What Is The Ultimate Truth? And How To Attain The Ultimate Truth?

In this article we know what is the ultimate truth? And how to attain to the ultimate truth? 

What is the ultimate truth (Brahmā)? 

The word 'truth' must be related to reality. And the ultimate truth is related to the supreme reality. There are many names for the ultimate truth.

 In the ancient Hindu texts Vedas and Upanishads it is called 'Brahmā' or 'Ātman' and other languages and texts have different names. But the ultimate truth cannot be explained by physical names and words. It is beyond the foundation of the mind. 

According to the ancient Hindu texts Vedas Upanishads, we will call Brahman to the ultimate truth. Brahma is beyond manifestations. 

Brahman is the formless, indestructible and the eternal truth of all materiality and material world and it is the real essence and complete in itself, silence, infinite immovable and never disappears. 

As we know that the formless Brahmā cannot be spoken. It is beyond the mortal world and the mind, it is attained only by meditating. 

When the yogi attains the highest state of meditation. He attains the ultimate truth. He experience parfect bilss and peace . The mind and the inert conscious merge into Brahmā. That yogi, being in the body, becomes free from the body and mind. and receives the ultimate truth of his own. That state is beyond form, smell, thought, happiness and sorrow, respect and humiliation, life-death, light-darkness, desire and attachment to the material world. It is liberation, ultimate peace and bliss.

How can one attain the Supreme Truth Brahman?

Through yoga, meditation which leads the mind to peace. merges into the supreme reality, it also seems to be divine dimension. Which is beyond all the actions and creations of the material mind of man.

It is a steady and calm state of intellect, the mind rests in its base. Only the one who attains the ultimate truth is free from life and death. His life had no purpose. There is only ultimate peace and bliss. 

Expression of the ultimate truth Brahman?

The ultimate reality is Brahman. And the physical world is the manifestation. There is ignorance of the mind due to expression and attachment to the physical world. In the texts, the expression of Vedas and Upanishads is called Māyā. 

Māyā is a kind of illusion. The physical body is known for the mind ego. Due to which the mind has to feel duality in the world. This creates an illusion called Maya. Due to Maya, attachment to worldly things and the desire for sense-satisfaction arises. This is the life of living beings. 

Read more about what Māyā is, 

In conclusion 

Ultimate truth is formless, eternal, and complete in itself, in Vedas it's called Brahmā . To experience ultimate truth or brahma is the highest stage of the spiritual meditation.

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