What Is Aham Brahmasmi ? | Mantra Of Vendant

What is Aham Brahmasmi?

'Aham Brahmasmi' means 'I am Brahman' it can also be said as 'I am divine' , it is undefined but spiritual experience. 

"I am divine" can be experienced by  disappearing of the mind in the self form of consciousness, It is not different from cosmic consciousness.

Experiencing the divine beyond the mind, intellect and senses can be a long process. The sensual guys or non–yogis may not attain this easily.

Understating from spiritual wisdom texts or Listening from the Guru, they lead themselves on this way.

In this, seekers choose a way to attain divine in Devotion Yoga, Karma Yoga (The yoga of action or work), Meditation Yoga or Jnana Yoga and make their spiritual progress.

Making this decision and Bringing yoga to life gets freedom from human and all other bondages, there the divine can be attained.

Other said translations of Aham Brahmasmi.

  • I am sacred,
  • I am ultimate creater god,
  • I am universe,
  • I am pure consciousness,
  • I am supreme reality,
  • I am cosmic,
  • I am enlightened,

Origin of the grate saying "Aham Brahmasmi"

Aham Brahmasami is from one of the ancient scriptures Brihadaranyaka Upanishad which is a part of yajurveda.

It gained great importance after the Advaita tradition of Adi Shankaracharya and became one of the four Mahavakayas of Vedanta. These mahavkyas are considered to be the essence of Vedanta.

Four Mahavakayas 

  1. Aham Brahmasmi – I am Brahman.
  2. Tat tvam asi – you are that (Brahma)
  3. Ayam Atma Brahma – This self is Brahman.
  4. Prajnanam Brahma – Consciousness is Brahman.

Even today these great sentences are explained in yoga philosophy by Philosophers and religious leaders.

In Conclusion 

Aham Brahmasmi can be translated as I am Brahma or I am divine. It is one of the four Mahavakyas which are considered the essence of Vedanta philosophy.


Who Said Aham Brahmasmi?

"aham brahmasmi" is one of the four mahavakyas considered to be the essence of Advaita Vedanta. Adi Shankaracharya pronounced it. He spread the Advaita philosophy across India and revealed the path of salvation to the people.

Aham Brahmasmi came from which scripture?

Aham Brahmasami is from one of the ancient scriptures Brihadaranyaka Upanishad which is a part of yajurveda.

Aham Brahmasami is from which language?

Aham Brahmasmi mahavakya (The great sayings) is in Sanskrit language, which is one of the ancient languages in the world.

What is the transaction of Aham Brahmasmi in english?

Sanskrit term "aham bramhasmi", aham – I , Brahma – Brahma (formless creater god), asmi – am. it means "I am Brahma" or "I am divine"

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